Manners & Etiquette - General
Manners cost us nothing; yet, earn us respect when we use them.
"Manners maketh the man," is a phrase not used much these days. The basics of etiquette have been largely forgotten by the younger generation.
The older generation may well remember some of the following:
Don't point - it's rude
Don't smoke or eat in the street - it looks 'common'
Don't talk with your mouth full - disgustingly, you may spit some of it out!
Don't shout - Keep your voice down
Don't interrupt - it's selfish and ill-mannered
Don't swear - it impresses nobody (it's the language of low lives and those with a limited vocabulary)
Open doors for the elderly and for women
Hold doors open for whoever is following you in (or out)- don't let it slam in their face
Use please and thank you
Don't gang up on anybody anywhere
Don't talk behind other's backs
Turn away from people, food and the phone when you cough or sneeze
Show respect for those older and wiser than yourself
Without respect and consideration for others, we are nothing but savages.
There are some modern considerations too:
Rules on the use of
Mobile Phones (Cell Phones)
Rules on the use of
Answering Machines & Speaker Phones
Road Etiquette
Neighborhood Noise
- loud music at all hours
And many others that you can think of by yourself
People don't care how much you know; they don't care how rich you are. They just need to know how much you care.
And caring about others is what manners is all about. Think about that.
It will improve your relationships with people immeasurably when you show them that you care about them!
Manners and Etiquette are what distinguish us from the apes (and a good many of our fellow human beings too).
There are no hard and fast rules or laws on the subject of etiquette. In a nut shell, having good manners is showing courtesy and consideration for other people at all times in all circumstances, putting yourself in their shoes and thereby not being offensive, rude or disrespectful.
Manners have evolved from customs, protocols and conventions. This process is common to all countries and cultures and has developed over the ages to ensure a harmonious society. They are even enshrined in the Ten Commandments!
These rules differ between countries and cultures but nevertheless are there to ensure a peaceful coexistence between people thus creating a society that respects the rights of others. This is the foundation of order and trust as opposed to chaos and crime.
Vandalism is a growing problem in the Western world whether drug or alcohol induced or as a result of idleness in our affluent society. Vandalism includes the destruction of public property by skateboards or the defacing of property with graffiti.
Communities are now starting to band together to stamp out this scourge in their suburbs. One such army of volunteers in Western Australia is promoting 'vandalism prevention awareness' in schools and is actively recruiting members to be the eyes of the community to help discourage this mindless activity.
Wherever you are you can be a part of this movement by emulating Western Australia in your own local community by creating a similar movement to help stamp out vandalism.
The School of Good Etiquette (see our
A to Z Guide
) has many disciplines that will lead you to a world where Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Compassion, Politeness, Consideration, Co-operation, Harmony, Courtesy, Dignity and Sympathy for others will be a part of your life.
How comfortable are you at a
Would you embarass yourself and the bereaved?
Do you know what to wear to a wedding?
Do you know how to plan a wedding?
Are you aware of the significance of your national
and the long traditions associated with it?
What do you know about being a good
Are you a good neighbour?
Learn a better way to interrelate with people and be a good example to your kids.
Remember, the way you behave will determine the way you are perceived by others, be they family, employers, employees, friends, relations, neighbours, strangers, commuters and anyone else who crosses your path.
Come …. embark on a quest to improve your self-confidence, set an example and become a role model to your children and others.
Explore our A to Z Guide to Manners & Etiquette ……. it will give you the tools you need to make your world a better place.
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