Employer Etiquette

Employer Etiquette is how you conduct yourself in your capacity as an employer to your employees
Be respectful to your employees. Do not play favourites with any of them or you will quickly lose the respect of the rest of them
If an employee disagrees with you, hear them out. Give them your full attention. You may learn something useful from them. You will certainly get a different perspective on the subject.
This is an excellent opportunity to test your skill at handling the disagreement with tact and sensitivity. Never be dismissive or invalidate your employee's point of view. Do not trivialise their opinion
Get to know your employees; remember what they tell you about themselves. Keep notes to help your memory if necessary
Be sure to know their names
Respect what is told to you in confidence
Introduce new employees to their co-workers and have proper indoctrination procedures in place to make them feel welcome and useful from the start
Tell them what you expect of them
Let them get on with it
Help them when they need it
Tell them how they are doing
Reward and encourage them
Give them adequate training. To brush up on their computer skills and improve staff efficiency add this magnificent 500 page manual of Step-by-Step Computer Lessons to your reference library. It's only $24.99 (Aust) and your employees would love you for it. Click here to
check it out
Give them credit for their contribution
Do not take them for granted
Don't ‘snoopervise’ (snooping supervision)
Deal with employee grievances promptly and fairly. Do NOT trivialise them
Even though you pay your employees, show them that they are appreciated
Even though you are the boss, good etiquette requires that you keep your interruptions to a minimum and always apologise if your intrusion is an interruption to their concentration, a discussion or other activity
Dress smartly as an example to your employees
NEVER arrive at work drunk, smelling of alcohol on under the influence of drugs
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